Sunday, August 25, 2013


"Live in society, earn your livelihood, and maintain your health, but strengthen and develop your soul to the point that, like a solid tree, nothing can shake you." 
-Ostad Elahi

"The intellectual method of completely new and is the result of the spiritual experiences of Ostad Elahi (1895-1974). For the first third of his life, Ostad experimented with classical mysticism (the sensorial method) and was able to dominate all of his imperious desires through difficult ascetic practices that lasted for twelve consecutive years. During this time, practically in full retreat from the world and absorbed in divine love, he devoted the vast majority of his time to spiritual discoveries and meditative contemplation, and thus advanced as far as the sensorial method could take him. Ostad would later recall this period as the happiest in his life:

'When I look at pictures from my youth, a special feeling overcomes me as I remember the exalted state I was in. The world and everything in it meant nothing to me. I was in such spiritual exaltation that even thinking about it now still moves me.'

Around the age 25, Ostad ended his seclusion and gradually began moving in a direction opposite to that of classical mysticism. Determining that life in society was a more suitable environment for spiritual development due to its numerous challenges and temptations, he entered society and began a career in the judiciary. It quickly became apparent that the richness of this new approach to spirituality was incomparable to his previous experience. Ostad concluded that it was by confronting the tests of life in society with the help of a strong will that human beings could develop their celestial reason (spiritual intellect):

'Before I entered government service, I was unaware that all my prayers and twelve years of asceticism on the mystical path had the same spiritual value as a single year working in the government. Each of the years spent in public service, often in sensitive positions where I could have erred at any moment, was equal in vaue to those twelve years of asceticism. It is because of this principle that I say: live in society, earn your livelihood, and maintain your health, but strengthen and develop your soul to the point that, like a solid tree, nothing can shake you.'

Therefore it is with the help of celestial reason and willpower that we can dominate our imperious desires and temptations, not through difficult ascetic practices."

(From "Medicine of the Soul" by Bahram Elahi, M.D.)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself: An Analysis of the Emotion of Fear

Is fear necessary, or are we better off without it completely?

Very few people would argue that the type of fear that stems from your hindbrain as an evolutionary reactive advantage to potential danger is a completely unnecessary evil that we must all put up with. Quite the contrary, primal fear is necessary as a 3D biological survival instinct. If your heart did not falter at the thought of encountering a situation that could potentially end your life in the process, then many of us would not be here now, as our ancestors would have fearlessly walked into perilous situations that would have necessarily been followed with fatality. 

So when does fear become debilitating or even counterintuitive to our own mental health and psychosocial well-being? This is where, again, the Aristotelian ideal of moderation comes into play. The poison is in the dosage; a worn out aphorism perhaps, but true nonetheless.

Ostad Elahi, a Persian mystic who, in our modern times could be likened to a Buddha driving in reverse, was born into a life of mysticism and asceticism where, at the age of 9, he began to fast under the guidance of his father Hajj Nematollah for periods of 40 days straight, with a week of rest in between, followed by continuous 40-day fasting intervals. Unlike Siddhartha Gautama's bacchanalian upbringing and indulgence in a life surrounded by women and wine, Ostad was instead so entrenched in an artificial bubble of purity that he recounts how, when he first stepped into society 12 years after initiating his spiritual journey on the ascetic path, he did not think it was possible for anyone to lie. And contrary to the Buddha's decision to renounce society in order to seek enlightenment, Ostad felt he had extracted as much as he could from the ascetic path and decided to continue his spiritual journey in the midst of society's constant challenges, eventually becoming a judge in an area that was wholly corrupted by influential wealthy families who had a large measure of control over many of the decisions being made in the judiciary through means of bribery, discrediting, and threats.

Ostad has a lifelong collection of spiritual guidance in the form of sayings, remarks, books, and music. Some of these maxims touched upon the subject of fear, and in many cases the primary cause of our fear: the realization that one day we will die. This, however, is only part of the picture. Anyone who has had a spiritual experience, from a moment of Oneness with All, to a dream of an enlightening walk through a mystic Paradise, to a fleeting peek into the mind of the Universal Consciousness, understands that this mortal shell of ours, that which we refer to as our 3D body, is only just that...a shell. We are, after all, souls first! When these bodies expire, we will continue to exist, and in fact our existence will likely be far more pleasant in the next realm, since this body desensitizes us from our spiritual faculties much like a heavy mitt would.

On the importance of not allowing our fears to control us or overwhelm us important it is prudent to share some of the advice that Ostad has divulged regarding this issue. For instance:

"To find inner peace, one should not be overly concerned with such things as unemployment, poverty, death, etc."

"Death does not exist, like a seabird we plunge into the water each time, and resurface elsewhere."

"Rest assured that there is a Creator and a world beyond this one that is the station of souls."

"Divine love renders one free from all wants and desires."

"Even in the course of our daily lives, nothing can materialize until thousands of causes join hand in hand."

Ultimately, when confronted with information that rattles or unnerves us, it is perhaps a spiritual test to overcome a weakness within ourselves; one that can only be overcome by becoming cognizant and aware of our tendency to overreact with fear in situations that do not necessarily warrant such an emotion. Fear is useful only to preserve one's life and not to keep us entrapped within a sphere of anxiety that is the product of our own failure to face the reality that it is we who must overcome the unnecessary fears in our lives, rather than being overcome by them. The knowledge that we are immortal souls, that the universe is run by very precise laws, and that we are constantly watched by a loving, caring, nurturing, and ultimately very involved Creator who will always warn us and guide us, should eventually lead to a realization that fear is truly an illusion; one often perpetrated by our impaired perspectives, our own insecurities, and the feebleness of human nature.

In conclusion, I want to remind all of a scripture from Psalms, which should bolster your courage when your fortitude wanes, and remind you that regardless of anything you encounter in your life, God is always...always with you.

Peace, blessings, and good tidings to all who have read this message of spiritual consultation in its entirety:

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
(Psalm 23, KJV)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Blacks, Whites, Reds, Browns, Yellows, All Colors UNITE!!!!

You must inform yourself!

WE the people of this world have an unprecedented opportunity to win the spiritual war for the minds of all of our brothers and sisters enslaved in this current paradigm of war and hatred.

Do not allow ties to race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. to separate you!!!

If you are intelligent enough to understand that there is a MASSIVE manipulation and attempt to separate the people of this world through race wars, religious wars, etc., then do not allow yourself to fall into the negativity trap sprung by the paid shills whose sole purpose is to rabidly set you against each other like mindless, hungry, carnivorous predators.

Do not sacrifice your God-given free will to people who are paid to come into these so called "alternative" sites with one mission: to get the whole lot of you to hate each other.

We are so close to victory in developing a world where there will no longer be crime because all needs will be met (This can be made possible, my friends, with the development of free energy...research it with an open mind...just imagine for one second if this free energy already exists, but has been suppressed for decades. Who would be cold enough to suppress such wonderful technology? Do your research your research).

We are close to a world where there will be no more hatred of your brother or sister because of some petty circumstantial difference with regard to where you were born or by what name you call the SOURCE (God, Dios, Yahweh, Allah, Truth, Creator, Universal Being, etc.). Do you really think that the Source of our existence and Spiritual Essence wants us arguing over something so petty as to what we call Him? Even my use of the masculine in referring to Source is a form of idolatry...Source cannot be limited to anything we can imagine...but at the same time since we are limited in our understanding we devise constructs in order to understand Source as best as we can. There is nothing wrong with this, as long as we do not let these limited constructs themselves become our goal; as long as we understand that these are just stepping stones in our attempt to reach an idea that is truly beyond what our current level of imagination is even able to conceive.

Why do I post this? I am an Hispanic, born in the Dominican Republic and happy and proud to be raised in the United States. Throughout my life I have made many good friends and even some people who for whatever reason I didn't exactly "click" with. One thing is certain. My friends (and my enemies) have come in all colors.

In high school some of my best friends were Hispanic and African American because I grew up in a low-income neighborhood in New York City.

In college I, ironically, was often ostracized by the "minority" community because my best friends were 2 Indian-Americans (from India, not Native American Indians...just remember that while Indians from India are a minority in the United States overall, they are quite a part of a majority in colleges and universities, especially those in the Ivy League or associated with the Ivy League). Many of my friends were white, and yes I did have some Hispanic and black friends; but I did not establish friendships based on color, rather, it was simply based on camaraderie.

It saddens me when I read many of the comments on this and other boards...where we accuse and ridicule one another based simply on race. Blacks accusing whites and calling them names, and whites accusing blacks and calling them names as well.

The truth is most blacks and whites I know get along JUST FINE! But if you come to many news sites you are now finding an increased level of vitriol and hatred like never before.

Doubtless this has much to do with the current Zimmerman trial.

Ladies and your the history of secret societies and how they have manipulated masses into dissension against each other. Understand the strategy of divide and conquer. I would post many links that have quite a bevy of historical evidence to corroborate what I am saying. There are so many books written on this subject, so many phrases about the secret societies from major historical figures including JFK, Woodrow Wilson, Abe Lincoln, George Washington...the list goes on and on.

I don't care if I am trolled for this. We are so close to victory for humanity and for us to come together, not under a New World Order, but under an Ordered New in which our sovereignty is again treasured and non-negotiable, our common appreciations for Truth, Justice, Freedom, Morality, Spirituality, and Communalism* are held in the highest esteem, and where we can learn to appreciate the differences we DO have without being manipulated and mind-controlled through media and other outlets that these differences should be a source of conflict.

I love all of you; I don't care what color you are. I don't even care if you call me names or hate me for writing this.
Answering hatred with hatred is how we were manipulated into this mess in the first place.

The time has come to answer hatred with love. To answer injustice with peaceful resistance. For the war we now wage is not to be won with guns and knives and weapons of steel, but with the souls and hearts of all humanity, joined together in a common cause to overcome the Dark Forces that have controlled us for so many thousands of years.

If we can accomplish this, there is an Ordered New World awaiting us, one where free energy technologies that have been suppressed since the late 1800s (research Nikola Tesla and Tesla's coil, not to be confused with the Tesla coil...please avoid relying solely on wikipedia for your research...while the innocuous things in wikipedia are accurate, any fact, historical or scientific in nature, which is in opposition to what the eye at the top of the pyramid wants you to see, will be manipulated for those purposes of dis-informing the curious public on any mainstream site, wikipedia included.)

This spiritual war is REAL. The energy that you produce, the thoughts that you have, the intentions that you have, have power. If you truly feel that you or your family is in danger because of potential race riots, then by all means employ whatever means of self-defense are necessary to protect you and your loved ones. You have a God-given right to self-defense. But do not assume that just because someone is a member of a different race, then they must either hate you or be fundamentally different from you in essence.

Prepare yourselves for the worst in silence, be watchful for the sake of your own well-being and that of your families...but do not allow your mind to be poisoned by negative energies. Do not allow the Dark Forces to manipulate you into writing things which, upon leaving this plane of existence and looking your Creator in the eye (metaphorically speaking of course), would leave you feeling ashamed.

If you like this message pass it along. I don't care if you take credit for writing it yourself, or if you pass it along anonymously. I was inspired to write this out of the Love in my heart for my brothers and sisters of this planet, of all colors, all races, all religions and creeds, all those who wish to evolve in a positive direction and help shape, once and for all, this world into a positive timeline for the rest of its existence.

Blessings to all of you; those who are my friends, those who are my enemies, those who would bless me, and those who would curse me, those who would pass this message along in Love, and those who would troll me mercilessly for writing it. I've come to a point in my life where I am tired of this spiritual war...I am tired of answering hatred with more hatred and creating an endless cycle of negativity that only feeds our self-proclaimed "masters" at the top of the pyramid. I want peace above all else. I love you all in a way I can not communicate or express with words.



*communalism: a system or theory of government in which the state is seen as a loose federation of self-governing communities.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Sinful Saint and the Saintly Sinner

If you had to choose between the following two circumstances, which would you pick:

A.) Everyone admires and respects you; you are known as friendly and benevolent; you are well praised for your beneficence and sense of good judgment and morality.  Nevertheless, it is all an act.  You know that acting in this way will please many people, however, at your core, you know that if presented with the opportunity to commit a vile act while being able to get away with it without ever getting caught or without even rousing the slightest suspicion, you would do so without hesitation.

B.) Before making a decision about anything in your life, you always ask yourself whether or not the decision is in accordance with good morality.  Nevertheless, you are not the most charismatic person on the surface.  Those who know you, only those very close to you, understand your attempts to live a moral and upright life, but you may often come across as aloof and reticent.  It is very easy for others to assume the worst about you, because your reticence is often misinterpreted as arrogance or haughtiness.

I know which most people would choose.  Most people, myself included, want to believe the best about themselves.  I want to believe that I don't care much about the opinions of others to the extent that they would lead me to stray from a dedication to my principles.  The truth is, however, the choice is not so simple.

I could have written scenarios A and B to be much more distanced from each other and hyperbolically inflated each scenario to make the choice seem even easier (i.e., everyone loves you but you are a horrible person vs. everyone hates you and you are a splendid person).  I tried to avoid that and hopefully made each choice seem a bit more realistic and not as drastic.

It is easy to be moral person and well-liked; it is much more difficult to undertake an inner moral journey and undergo the pain and displeasure of a bad reputation.

I can only hope that if I am indeed on a spiritual path, that I would continue to traverse it regardless of my social standing.  I don't know if I am really strong enough for that.  Would the pressures of wanting to be well-received and well-liked ever conflict with the morality I profess?  I can only ask for Divine Assistance in such a case, for my own will may falter, and my spiritual core, perish.

Can you prove that you are conscious?

What is consciousness?

Is a rock conscious? The soil? A cell? A tree? What about an ant, or a dog? Are you?

Merriam-Webster's defines consciousness in several ways, such as "the quality or state of being aware..", and "the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious process" (this second definition seems to be more psychologically rooted in origin, as the Freudian distinction between the tiers of consciousness, namely the id, ego, and superego, comes to mind).

Searching for various definitions of consciousness would probably lead one to conclude that the unifying characteristic of consciousness is awareness.

So now we must reconsider if a rock is aware. Seems like a silly question; of course a rock can't be aware...right? How do you know? Can you prove that a rock is either aware or unaware?

In that sense, can you prove that anyone else is aware?

I am not trained in philosophy, so it is quite possible that I am mistaken, and if I am, then I would quickly accede to the fact; but the only conclusion, it seems, is that there is no way to prove that other people are aware, or conscious.

In fact, how then can I prove to others that I am conscious of myself. It is taken for granted and assumed that we are all conscious beings, but remember that this is not based on objective and irrefutable proof. Let me clarify. You can assume that I am conscious because the mere fact that I am even writing about it is tremendous evidence supporting that I am a conscious being. However, there is no external and objective means that I can use to prove that I am conscious.

You can prove through objective and physiological means that there is electrical activity in certain parts of the brain that are responsible for what we know as "consciousness", but in the end, this is only proof that the neurons are working; the elusive proof of consciousness as an entity in and of itself still evades us.

In essence, you cannot prove that others are conscious. You can however, show rather profound evidence supporting the fact that others are conscious, or that your level of consciousness is higher or more sophisticated than, say for instance, a dog's or an insect's.

So if there is no absolute objective and measurable proof of the existence of this elusive concept of consciousness in others, what about ourselves? Can I prove, for instance, to myself, through purely objective and measurable techniques, that I possess consciousness? Perhaps the closest any individual can come to proving their own consciousness is their own subjective experience of the fact that they are conscious, and yet this would not suffice as proof in the strictest scientific sense of the term.

So because we cannot prove consciousness in a purely scientific, objective, and measurable manner, does that mean that we should stop believing in consciousness? The question itself is absurd, and yet many would argue that because we cannot prove the existence of God in a purely scientific, objective, and measurable manner, that we should not believe in the existence of a Supreme Being.

Of course it is important to note that while you may be certain of your own consciousness because of your subjective psychological experience of it, you may argue that you have not had such an experience with a Supreme Being, or God.

Many, throughout history and in our present day, can testify to having had subjective experiences of proximity with a Divine Essence. Not all have claimed to have such an experience.

This is where the distinction lies.

Nevertheless, it doesn't change the fact that we take the existence of our own consciousness, and that of others, for granted, without the necessity of objective proof and purely based on our subjective experience of our own consciousness.

Try to convince someone who believes they are conscious because they can experience it that consciousness does not exist.

Likewise, for those who have had subjective experiences of a mystical, divine, or religious nature, the existence of a Divine Being seems obvious.

For those who have not had such an experience, in the same way that they experience their own consciousness, there are only three options: believe in a Divine Being based purely on faith*, believe that such a Being cannot exist absent any objective (or even subjective) evidence, or choose the path of agnosticism and merely claim, "I don't know."

*There are 2 types of faith.

One is merely a reasoned faith absent any subjective experience. For example, someone believes in God because they have been raised in a religious household, or perhaps they see that many people around them believe in God and therefore they believe in Him as well.

A second type of Faith is based on a subjective experience of the Divine Essence. This is what is commonly known as a mystical experience. There are many examples of such experiences, but one well-known example is Saul's vision on the road to Damascus, after which he became known as Paul.

Saul, it seems, possessed the first type of faith, while Paul possessed the second type of Faith.

The Real and the Ideal

My ideals are too lofty. I doubt I can ever reach them, or even the shadow that they cast.

My life and my actions are not always representative of my ideals. If I were to list my ideals and you videotaped my every action and had telepathic access to my thoughts, you would soon realize that there is a huge gap between what I believe and what I do.

Yet is this an excuse for not striving? Should we not have ideals, because not having them would inevitably spare us the guarantee of failure and a more complacent existence?

This is not a viable solution however, for growth is only achieved by constantly measuring the gap between your actions and beliefs, and taking steps to approach the ideals you profess.

This process will guarantee failures and mistakes, but it will also, if done sincerely and not for the sake of ostentation, lead to personal and spiritual growth.


Everything occurs in contrasts. Light and dark. Hot and cold. Order and chaos.

And yet each opposing nature is unified by the fact that both are defined by one particular quality, albeit at varying degrees at opposing poles.

For example, heat can be defined as an abundance of energy, while cold can be defined as a lack of energy.

At one end there is extremism in amount, while the opposing side lacks that "quality", yet both are defined by that one quality (in the above example, for instance, the quality is energy).

To truly know and understand one (not in a superficial, definitive sense, but in an experiential manner) you must know the other. Someone who has risen from abject poverty, through hard work and laborious pursuit, to a state of financial stability and comfort, can truly understand and process the significance of what they now possess. It is much more difficult for someone who has not undergone such a transformative process, for instance one who is born into such comforts, to truly appreciate the value of what they have, as they have not experienced its opposite.

Even in our trials, let us remind ourselves that the pain and difficulty is akin to sowing a field, the harvest being a true appreciation of the good in our lives.